Hi everyone. here’s some new that will THRILL you. I will be publishing a new BONUS pod every Friday for paying subscribers only. But, like a manipulative drug pusher, I am doing the old “try the first one free…if you get a taste for it, you know where I am” marketing technique.
So here it is: CLUB RESET. I hope you enjoy episode one.
Club Reset is a little different from the regular pod: it’s more of a group discussion vibe. But not the awkward, boring kind. It’s basically me and my mate Dan (listen to my interview with him from earlier this year here to find out more about his remarkable story) chatting and sharing stuff about mental health, addiction, recovery and all that jazz. Every week we’ll be joined by one or two other pals (and the odd special guest). Dan and I are both recovering addicts and group therapy has helped us loads. It’s useful and can also be a right laugh. We hope the podcast will be too.
If you have been toying with the idea of upgrading your subscription then now would be a great time to do so. For just FIVE QUID a month, you will now get the following…
Brand new CLUB RESET podcast every Friday
Usual Reset podcast every Tuesday (24 hours before non-paying subscribers)
An invite to personally contribute to CLUB RESET
Bonus Reset newsletters with my thoughts, recommendations and nonsense twice a month
Watch us record the pod live on our subscriber only You Tube channel
Early bird discount on tickets to future Reset live events
My UNDYING love & gratitude
It’s the paid subscriptions that keep The Reset going, so if you are able to upgrade, please do so. If you can’t no worries, obvs.
The regular Reset podcast and newsletter will continue as usual for non-paying subscribers.
That’s right gang, it’s ALL GO at Reset Towers right now. Only, I’m not in a tower. I am in a shed in my garden.
Until next time: love you, be lucky and don’t let the dickheads get you down!
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