Apr 2, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Wow wow wow!!! Finally I hear the absolute truth, brutal honesty and you know what it's the one thing I've learnt from doing my podcast which u kindly gave me the opportunity of baring my soul on and I swear its the most therapeutic, cathartic job I've ever had and by being so brutally honest like you have just now on this piece of brilliance and pure cuhonez , I have found that just like how I feel right now, people love the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and the more I do that the more I feel am respected rather than the opposite which is what I've always feared. So now I know that all that fear and shame and false pride was a lie, my head tells me lies so I know I must do that hardest thing in the world and this to completely ignore it and "Do the opposite!" Thank you Sam for giving me the validation and clarification and most of all the reminder that I need most days to remember to always be authentic and know that my truth is the most powerful thing I've got and if people don't like it well then they ain't my problem, that's just their stuff.

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You know I love you Paul. Thanks for all the support always brother. The truth sets us free. Plus in our case the truth is always fucking funny too.

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True that 😁

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Spot on Paul - love your podcast too 👍

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

I'm one of the lucky few that caught TTFM right from the beginning.

From the early days (when it was about football) to the live shows, IFS platinum membership and Brown John streams it's kept me amused, entertained, occasionally educated and given me a small glimmer of light in an otherwise dark, shitty time in recent history.

Viva Sam. Viva Andy. Viva that mechanical twat Results Bot.

Keep up the good work lads - and keep it cunty.

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Good man. You're Old Skool. Get the tattoo mate. Thanks for everything.

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Brilliant piece Sam. On the flipside, TFTM has been just as helpful for listeners (well me at the very least). This year has been utter shite but having a daily dose of escapism through laughing at a pair of daft bastards rambling bollocks has been a godsend. And the little community of weird cunts on Facebook is brilliant too, it’s fantastic you engage so much there as well.

Enjoying The Reset blog and podcast greatly as well, the gambling one was an eye opener.

Keep up the good work!

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Haha "little community of weird cunts on Facebook" 😂😂😂

Spot on mate.

(Yes, I'm one of them) 😀

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Too right! It's an oasis of silliness in a world that tells us to take ourselves way too seriously. It all makes sense now that Sam had explained the journey. The pod has beautifully evolved into 2 mates, who obviously have a great connection, having fun but also taking the piss in a supportive way. Almost like the perfect therapy for eachother.

Fantastic community growing around them as well. Long may it continue and enjoy the well deserved success.

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Cheers Rob. I am continually amazed that people find our idiotic rambling helpful for their state of mind. It;s certainly good for mine. Thanks for the support mate.

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Apr 3, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

It's a brilliant bit of escapism, isn't it? I love every episode.

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I've lost count of the amount of times I've re-listened to the "Roy Keane sings the disco classics' episode of the Keane oddessy

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I;d forgotten about that. Might get that animated for the next Brown John ep

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Apr 2, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Accidentally discovering the Roy Race and Blackie Gray of Podding has been one of my personal highlights over the last few years. Turns out we’re all equally as shit at life at times as each other and we shouldn’t put ourselves on a pedestal daily. We’ve all made mistakes, but one thing you (and the Pod) has thought me is to just deal with it, see the positives you’ve got and move on. If it all goes to shit one day, then I know how to reset my demons in the woods, or, plan B, fuck off to Denmark to see Sir Johan Bacon and his mates. Keep up the good work, it’s appreciated by cunters all over.

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Nice one MArtin. That's what it's about - taking joy from the little things in life that surround us every day. Keep it cunty my son.

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Perfectly put!

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Cheers Mike.

Ps. I have an ice cube in my mouth.

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I’m tapping my nose as we speak 😂

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I don’t think you realise how much TFTM has helped people. It gives people 30 mins or so to laugh and forget about the shit going on. It’s helped me through a shit time and I’m forever grateful for it and to hear it’s helped you as well is even better. The reset has been great as well. Basically keep doing what your doing. Keep it cunty

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Cheers Matt. I am always amazed but delighted too that it seems to help on this level. We are only trying to make each other laugh really. But it feels great that it's helped people the way it has helped me.

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TFTM is a shining beacon of light in many people’s lives mate - for the chosen few, it feels like parallel lives/ humour at times - Andy is a podcasting genius and gives you the platform to be Sam/Nifty/Timmy/Roy R/Roy K/ double K/ R P Bird etc.

I changed my direction in life over 7 years ago from Mental health practitioner to pole fed window cleaner - it has transformed the way I conduct myself - family/ me time/ rest are massive factors in my life (used to be work/ worry about suicidal teenagers/ no rest). I still offer mental health support but on my own terms, not the suffocating workload imposed by under resourced trusts.

Thanks for the humour and the no bollocks approach to letting out your feelings - it certainly helps me and countless others/ keep em’ coming Sam (and Andy)!

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Nice one Mike, cheers. Glad the change of pace has done you so much good. Just rest mate.

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I am aged 67 and have also suffered a few setbacks during my lifetime. I have not had a drink for 20 years nor taken drugs during that period. My GP advised me against taking medication during the bad times and it turned out to be the best advice that anyone has ever given me. This advice would be frowned upon today and I don't recommend it for obvious reasons, and rightly so. I also got through it by getting myself super fit and listening to the likes of Ennio Morricone, Procol Harum, Kinks, Geo Harrison, Robin Gibb, Pistols, and KLF. I would never have made it without their help. I am now on my own through choice but sane, contented, and financially secure. These experiences also taught me the value of money.

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Well you've got great taste in music Charles. Do you mean it taught you not to put too much emphasis on money? Or the opposite?

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Hi Sam, TY for taking the time to reply to an ordinary punter like myself, I really appreciate it. I first came across your talents when you worked with R.T. That show was hilarious and it was very different from the recycled safety first garbage that we are subjected to today from the other channels. Masterpiece comedy shoes like ''Comic Strip Presents'' and Michael Palin's ''Ripping Yarns'' would never be shown nowadays as they would have been found to be offensive. Comedy is a form of art and should never be tampered with or changed in any way. Likewise music. I recently had the misfortune to sit through a 2-hour so-called comedy DVD made by the BBC and I did not even raise a smile. I will not mention the comedian's name for fear of being sued but he is a household name and makes tons of money. RE your query about money.....what I meant was that money gives you confidence and self-respect. When you experience bad times and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, having no money makes you feel even more worthless and deprives you of an escape route to getting out of the mess. I came out of it a wiser person and now have that experience to make sure it never happens again. I feel sorry for the young ones today as their lives are so complicated and pressured. Teenagers should be taught about how to deal with the inevitable bad times that they will face at some point in their lives.

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Top work - we’re all glad to be part of the TFTM mindset and that the Cosmos directed its existence.

The Reset is wicked; the writings and the Podcasts.

As for guests - someone who can chat about grief recovery and dealing with loss would be appealing to a lot of listeners.

Cheers Fella, hope you enjoy a nice break

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Cheers Russ, appreciate it. Will have a think about that - a great topic suggestion.

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Russ - I’ve had many years of experience dealing with grief/loss both professionally and personally- if you ever need to reach out to a fellow IFS you can get me on goodillmike@msn.com - take care pal x

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Another absolute fuckin belter Sam. I have managed to find a job that I love that doesn’t feel like work. It turns out the fuckin twee saying is bang on the money. I genuinely love what you are doing around mental health. Keep up the stellar work and if we can all remember ’just rest’ peace, love & laughter Sam ✊🏻

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Nice one Dan. Glad to hear the just rest lifestyle is working out for you. Happy easter!

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Absolutely love this article, and you don’t have to be a former alcoholic to derive some real insight and wisdom from this. Thanks Sam.

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Nice one Jonny, appreciate it mate. Seems ages ago that we were doing our 7 o clock handovers. Hope you're well - thanks for reading.

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Insightful, Sam and not the first one I’ve read. The 7oclock slots afforded me the privilege of seeing you and Andy riffing together in a studio more than once. Great stuff!!

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Thanks for these Sam. So relevant and put in a really accessible way. Keep it coming please

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Pleasure Nick, I enjoy doing them and thanks for reading

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Hi Sam. I’m 53 happy married and a great 22 yr old son. But as a lot of men do find myself very down and in tears some times. I run a bit. London and Florence marathons booked but you and Andy’s output that I stumbled on at beginning of lockdown is honestly the funniest and so near my demons and loves in life you will never know. Have a good break but you better be back cunt. Genuinely thank you.

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Yep, we all have those times mate. Not all of us admit it. But those of us who do find it very liberating. Nice work on the running, have never done a full marathon. Will be back soon. Cheers

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Once saw Tyger Honey Drew talk about his problems. Was brutally honest and think he would be good guest to talk to.

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Will look him up

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I am also anxious about lockdown ending. Recently went back to work a couple of days a week and shoes are a proper shitter.

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Fuck shoes

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My Mrs is a child social worker. Hearing you and Andy talk about lovely experiences and your relationships with your sons brings a lot of pleasure to her in a bleak job!

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That's great to hear. One of the many things that makes me happy about TFTM is that Len;s exploits have become such a big part of it.

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I love being part of your 3pc. Have a great Easter break & enjoy being with your good wife & family. Looking forward to hearing about any shenanigans next week. Massive love even tho I know I sound wanky. I just don't care! X

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Cheers Zoe. Appreciate all your support. There will loads to report from the IOW as always.

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