I love the jam jar idea! I'll track down the book. It’s a strange thing but during probably the worst period of my life, these last ten months, I hit rock bottom but reduced my antidepressants (I was on maximum) for the first time in nine years. I was so 'suppressed' emotionally, by the meds, that I couldn’t feel anything. It was like being closed down. That's fine when you don’t want to feel pain but it doesn’t allow good emotions in either. I got good at acting happy though, although my laughter always sounded a bit manic to my ears.

With the help of an incredible bereavement therapist, my GP and a psychiatrist, who monitored and adjusted my medication, I reduced by 1/4. And I started to slowly think and feel again. I filled that 1/4 up with the things in my 'jam jar'. It’s a long journey but one I’m prepared to make now. I went from 'what’s the point in being here; everyone I love has died on me’ to 'people unexpectedly die. It could happen to any of us at any time so live the life we have to the best we can for as long as we can with the people we love who are still here. Living.'

Thanks again Sam. Don’t stop talking about it.

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Words of wisdom there mate - I have a wonderful wife and soul mate and 2 beautiful boys - I count my blessings often and try to take-in the small moments like playing football or having cuddle time watching telly - life experience has taught me many lessons and I’m older, wiser and dafter than ever - keep em’ coming Sam!

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Love this Sam, I needed to hear this today. I could feel myself sliding into a shitty-self-pity-puddle of my own making. I have much more than I could ever have dreamed of but I'm a dafty and often forget just how lucky I am. Thanks for keeping me honest on a Friday.

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I think this might be your best one yet Sam. Simple solid advice that many people can benefit from.

Keep on keeping on mate.

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Thanks for this, Sam. I got a lot from reading this post. It helps so much to have situations you recognise shown back to you in a language you understand. As someone who lost themselves down the cracks between the two lives they were trying to live I can say, hand on heart, I am way happier now I am focused on one of those lives compared to when I was running about like a cunt trying to be all things to all people. And I’d never have thought that was possible back in the day. Good luck to anyone else reading these posts who might not be in the best place. I wish them the wisdom to recognise the need to change and the strength to see their journey through.

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While we're on the subject of solid life advice from fictional mid life crises -


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