Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

The pink fluffy cloud, what an experience to have.......

I was on a morning walk in the park (I guarantee that never happened when I was drinking and using!) listening to music when I looked up through the trees and saw the sky, clouds and sunshine. I stopped my music and just listened to the nature I was in.

I stood there for a few minutes just appreciating what was going on around me, totally transfixed by the beauty of the world.

Any bystanders must have assumed I was off my tits.

Life turns up in recovery, some things go well, sone things go badly but I’m equipped with tools to handle it and support from people who have been through the same stuff. I am now able to accept my life and appreciate what I do have.

Serenity is not escape from the storm, it is peace within it.

Anyone reading this article:

If you struggle to stop drinking or using drugs and lose control of choice over how much you take, who you hurt, where you end up etc - help is out there.

I go to Cocaine Anonymous but there are all sorts of different solutions or places for help, find the one that’s right for you.

Sam has put some links up here to get you started.

Thank you Sam again, love the content and appreciate your acknowledgement to last weeks post.


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Nice one Josh. Well said. Thanks for reading and for the feedback. You're right, it;s not about escape - just about learning to ride shit out in a more positive way.

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Well said Josh✊👍

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Just a big thank you to you for these posts and pods. I have someone very dear to me who is struggling at the moment and they’ve said that your Reset is the single biggest help. No bullshit from you, just honest stories. Xx

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Happy to hear it's helping someone. Thanks John.

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Once again another amazing post! I hope to get there one day.....hopefully soon!

I’ve had the vaccine and been laid low for 4 days but still couldn’t give it up even though it made me feel worse! The problem is I’m over the effects now so over the worst!

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best of luck in your efforts Philip. Help is out there, reach out for it it will change your life for the better (see Josh post above)

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Just read it mate! Wow that’s powerful!!

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Brilliant writing. On the edge of giving up myself but not there yet. Thanks for being really honest about all the ups and downs.

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Thanks so much. You can do it. Help is available and really works.

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Sam - this really sums up where I am 14 months into sobriety. Little moments of wonder and living as normal and striving for as “contentment” as opposed to the wild ups and downs that the drinking life used to bring (and the ups were never worth the inevitable downs).

It’s great having these posts pop up every Friday.

Cheers Sam

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Thanks Adam, glad sobriety is working out for you. It's bloody great ain't it?

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Congratulations on your clean time Adam, amazing things happen when you seek & accept help and put in some action

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AdamG 👌🙏👌🤜🤛👍

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Nailed it again Sam - it’s weird how our culture makes drinking such a pre-requisite of marking any occasion from going out on the town to weddings to funerals to Christmas bloody fairs - the overriding common denominator is ‘have a drink, it’s funny, sociable and acceptable’ - bollocks it is - my first pink cloud moment was waking one Sunday morning and feeling really happy to be alive and full of vigour and a sense of ‘I’ve gained an extra day off work to enjoy anything I want rather than just recover all morning, then contemplate hairy dog at lunchtime and spin on through the haze of the afternoon’ - I’ve never looked back and have an amazing family life as a result- Thanks & keep em’ coming Sam!

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I hope people here who are thinking about giving up read your post mate. You put it perfectly. Suddenly the life you already have seems incredible in a way it never did when you were boozing.

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Cheers Sam - I like reading people’s comments- it feels like the perfect platform to support each other

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IFS eh, you super human, good luck with future Mike, it's looking bright👌🙏

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Cheers pal - having read your comments, please realise that you really deserve a bright future yourself- you should be very proud of what you have achieved- and yes being in the IFS provides the best coping mechanism for getting through life’s struggles 😁

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Mar 12, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Top Dollar

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Your words are like a breath of fresh air mate, I'm clean for the first time in decades, lockdown and furlough have been my salvation, I was forced to face up to my lies and nonsense, and my cloud was 9 to 10 months down the line(pardon the pun👌🤭) I am loving myself like I did as a child, ego free, chemical free, it's a joy to wake up every morning now, mind you, breakfast, yoga, Pilates and some meditation will be difficult when the "holiday" ends, I'll make it work however, you're years into it so keep it up Sam, you good wife and kids deserve it and us readers/ listeners can use your example for strength and support through laughter, tears and honest, ego free essays. Love you man🤜🤛🙏

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Nice one Marc, so glad these are resonating with you. You can keep going. You are basically living life on your own terms now - keep it up.

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Well done on your achievement Marc.......the best thing is that it just gets better!

Keep going strong

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Been struggling with booze and weed for years, finally knocked it on the head 3 weeks ago.

Thanks for all you do Sam, it's helping me so much mate.

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Nice one mate, keep it up. A more enjoyable life is waiting for you.

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Mar 13, 2021Liked by Sam Delaney

Good man, Sam is in inspiration, I'm 9 months clean now, healthy, happy,fit, 18 lbs lighter and enjoying life for fist time In decades. My family are concerned, but they will see in time I've changed for the best. Very very snappy during the detox🤭

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Keep going, you have the backing, support and experience of everyone here :-) It's fucking hard work.

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I think I'm experiencing a second Pink Cloud, or my first one was a phantom pink cloud. Feeling fucking amazing after 9 months. Maybe I've been gestating a comfortably sober person and I've given birth to it? Who knows.

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Knocked it on the head a month ago having made a (drink related) cunt of myself at home. Had an epiphany yesterday while helping my daughter make cakes for Mother’s Day. Realisation I was having an awesome time, I felt great; clear headed and alive at a time on a Saturday I would typically be transitioning from hangover/The Fear to getting back on it. It’s now 9pm on Sunday on the back of an afternoon of a tea party with the missus and kids, and Norwich on the box. Usually these two events would be more than enough to legitimise a day’s solid boozing and consequently I would be pissed, tired, grumpy and worse right now. Instead I feel ... content, bordering happy even ... fucking unheard of on a Sunday night! I am starting to feel anxious about life getting back to normal; pubs reopening, back in work, seeing friends and all the temptation that inevitably brings ... but that’s for another day. Cheers for these posts, I find them really helpful.

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Well done Sam..btw if you need/want any music in yer new venture, just gimme a shout.Chin up! P.

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Cheers Pete, hope you're well mate

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Just keep on doing what you're doing Sam. It’s an incredible record of honesty, that so many will relate to and draw inspiration from. Good man.

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